Saturday, August 15, 2020

It Sounded Legit.

I just got off the phone with someone who claimed to be working for T Mobile. well, My home phone number is listed so I didn't find it too alarming, I just found it a little fishy, the line of questioning included do you own an iPhone? are you happy with your cell service? would you like to try T Mobile? and then when I stated that I wasn't interested the dude went into overdrive and started rattling off all of the features that this AMAZING WONDERFUL PHONE had to offer and all I had to do to get one was give them a legitimate credit card number. Uh-huh, now I was born at night- but it wasn't LAST NIGHT- I know T Mobile nor any other cell service provider has ever or will ever call me on the phone, but just to mess with him I let him go on for a bit before I started asking him the most ridiculous questions that I could think of. Shit like, so if this phone is so great will it do my vacuuming for me? Ummmmm What? Does it know how to run a Vacuum cleaner? Ummmm No. well then- can it make coffee for me in the mornings? Ummmm No. well- can it cook? can it mop my kitchen floor? Ummm no sir it's a phone! Sir you really need this phone, Ummm no- I already have a phone, YOU DO? No I'm fucking with you, we are actually having this conversation via mental telepathy. He finally figured out that he wasn't getting a credit card number from me so he hung up. and you know? I don't think he's going to call me back. I have this sneaky suspicion that the guy didn't really work for T Mobile either. I need a beer.

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