Friday, March 7, 2025

Going with the Flow.


I've been finding myself lately keeping some rather odd hours sitting at the computer, writing, erasing, repeating, sometimes at night, sometimes during the day, usually whenever the mood strikes me. What I'm finally learning is not to force anything, let it come in its own due time. I used to try to make myself write at least a few pages a day, I pushed it, and it slowed the creative process to a painful crawl, and it became uninteresting, and dare I say, boring to me.  I'm not now, nor have I ever been under the delusion that I'm a writer in any real sense, it's always been something I did because I enjoyed it. Here lately I've been writing every day, making new stuff, continuing on with old stuff, that's the part that I think is making it work this time around, I don't have to write, I do it when I want to do it, and whatever comes out, that's what I write. It just flows better that way, the words just fit better, and I'm not over thinking it, I'm just doing it. yeah, that works for me.

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