Monday, December 5, 2022

A Matter of Conscience.

Have you ever wondered why it is that some people can go through their whole lives lashing out at the world, and hurting people, without so much as a second thought about doing so? acting without any social or moral conscience as to what their actions are doing to the lives of other human beings around them? they don’t think for a second about the consequences of their actions, they just do whatever they feel like doing and sleep like babies afterwards. And on the completely opposite hand, where does that little voice come from that keeps the rest of us animals in check? Where does our conscience come from? And how can it be that some people can completely ignore it and others live by it? Sometimes I find myself on the threshold of some decision that I’m about to make, and I think that I’m going to do the right thing and this voice that isn’t my own just pop’s into my head and tells me that this is probably going to be a bad idea, and that no good will come of it.

One fellow even went so far as to tell me that our conscience is our one true tie to god, and that some of us learn to listen to it more than others from a very young age. Although I do believe that it comes from upbringing, I’m more likely to think that some people are just more inclined to abuse because they can, and nobody ever challenged them not to. For instance even without someone telling me, I know, for a fact that taking another persons' life, whether chance affords me the opportunity or not, I know, indeed for a fact, that it is wrong. So I simply couldn’t nor would I ever do it. If chance afforded me the opportunity, could I steal from someone? Social stature aside, whether the person(s) in question had a great deal of wealth, could I steal from them simply because they had more than me?

No, probably not, because not only is it wrong to do so, but I have worked for the greater part of my existence on this planet, and I know what it means to have something taken from me, that aside, I was raised to respect the property of other people. So what about God? From my personal perspective, I’m not taking any chances, I cannot prove nor challenge any theories on the existence of God or the devil or Heaven or Hell, nor how any such beliefs may tie into our conscience’s. Here is what I know, when I am out there in the real world, I know that there is a feeling, something intangible, it seems to guide and prod me along in the right direction, and that I when I hear that voice that calls into question every rational or irrational decision that I about to make, I owe it, not only to myself, but to the world around me to stop what I am doing, if only for a second and simply listen. And maybe with a little luck and fate will provide me the opportunity to once again do the right thing.

Scratchworks.. © 2022

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