Thought… Emotion… Action.
You know sometimes I really wonder about us, Humankind I mean, Not just Americans, when you get right down to it, America is still very young on the world stage. No, I mean human beings in general, no matter the geographical location. See, we’ve been around for a while now, we didn’t get this life thing in the beginning, and we really still don’t get it now. I mean, here we are, supposedly, maybe even arguably, the most intelligent species to ever roam the face of the Earth, and we Don’t GET life. We bicker, we fight, and we argue, as people, as countries, over shit that is really meaningless in the grand scheme of things.
Think about it, we fight over ground, we fight over oil, we fight over religion. We bicker, we banter, we hold great disdain over anything or anyone who may hold a different opinion other than our own. We have voices, but we do not communicate, we yell, we shake our fists angrily at the world, but we do not talk. Our Governments, on the world stage, chose to wage war rather than peace, and at the drop of a hat they will place thousands, perhaps millions, of lives in harms way to obtain or defend a piece of land or oil that was never really theirs to begin with. When are we as human beings going to wake up? We don’t OWN the world, it owns us. We don’t control anything, control is an illusion. We have shown an amazing capacity for love, and yet perhaps for no other reason than spite, and rather many choose hate.
We allow ourselves to be divided, through color and class, always dwelling on how we are so different rather than drawing focus on how we are the same. We all bleed, we all hurt, we all feel pain, and yet there is still room for love. Mother nature, now SHE can be a ruthless bitch, but at least she gets it. And when she’s ready to evict our asses off of this planet, We’re history, plain and simple. No money, No power, no war will save us from her wrath. So while we’re here, right now, maybe the best thing that we can do, for ourselves, is to stop what we’re doing and just think about it.. Feel some real human Emotion. And maybe then we’ll take the best action of all, by simply choosing Love over Gold and Life over Death.
Make love… Not war… Peace my friends…
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