Friday, June 29, 2018
I am beginning to think that some people are simply addicted to complaining.
I don't understand why someone would want to willingly live in a place that they despise so much. Why would you want to be around people that only bring you misery? why stick around if the only thing that brings you joy is making other people as miserable as you are? purge yourself, you are responsible for your own life and it is up to you to take the necessary steps to free yourself, Follow your heart go where ever you can find peace.

Saturday, June 9, 2018
Media Suckage.

I have developed a mute button of sorts, in my brain, it automatically tunes out everything that I identify as complete horseshit, such as any of the major news networks. Whatever happened to simply telling us the unbiased truth and letting us formulate our own opinions on the matter? why can't they just report what happened and move on without distorting the story with their personal views and opinions? who in the hell is out there that we can ALL respect enough to just tell us what is happening without spinning the story to the left or to the right? I suppose it is all about the rating's game, and telling the truth just doesn't seem to fit into the big picture anymore, it all seems to be about who can tell the biggest lie and how many people will buy into their bullshit. this is why I rarely turn on the tv anymore unless it is to watch Comet. at least I still have classic Sci-Fi, for me, Comet TV is the best thing going.

Friday, June 8, 2018
We need more Brick and Mortar book Stores

Nothing could ever trump the feeling that I got whenever I walked into our local Borders bookstore. I loved the way it was arranged, I loved the way it smelled and out of all of my favorite experience ’s in life- going to Borders ranked right up there near the top. See- I really enjoy reading a good book, but it isn’t just the reading part for me that adds to that experience, that new book smell, the way it feels in your hands, the sounds that are made when you turn each page, I am a huge HUGE book lover. But due to declining business- they closed the doors on our Borders here some time ago, they closed up shop so I haven’t been up there in some time now..
I would imagine that some new store has taken its place now, although in my head it will always be Borders, the store in my mind- is empty now, the books have been shipped off and sold to other regions of the country, and all that remains and empty dust cluttered shelves. While there is a large part of me that embrace’s technology, there is another part in the darker recesses of my soul that dwells a deep hatred of such things.. A part of me that screams ”Screw you technology! take your Ereaders and your Ebooks and shove them both up your ass crack you godless bitch!” I hope one day that a Barnes & Noble come here. I miss going to the bookstore. maybe I’m just getting old.

Monday, May 21, 2018
I'm starting a classic Sci-Fi collection.

It's certainly no big secret that I have always been a classic horror fan, newer horror has for the most part just left me blah, never cared much for the blood, guts, and gore. there is usually no suspense, or build up and the story is usually pretty bad too. Maybe classic horror doesn't have all of the flash of new horror, but for what it lacks in the flash department it more than makes up for it in creating tension and atmosphere, that all being said I do have a pretty good classic horror DVD collection going, and now I would like to start a classic Sci-Fi collection, mostly stuff from the 50's and 60's, good, clean, fun, a few that I am starting with are better known than some others. I go back to the time when stop action and models were used rather than a lot of phony bologna CG images. Are they simple? Yes.. Are they campy? Oh hell yeah.. and fun to watch. Here's some that are on the list. Do you remember any of these?
Mysterious Island. (1961)

Journey To The Center Of The Earth. (1959)
20,000 Leagues Under The Sea. (1954)
The Time Machine (1960)

Forbidden Planet (1956)
The War of The Worlds. (1953)
These are just a few of the movies on my list.
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